Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Keep Clipping Those Box Tops!

Class contests are still happening for the most box tops turned in!
The class with the most box tops will win a movie afternoon in their classroom!
For more opportunities and information on Box Tops visit:
Make sure to tell your neighbors and relatives to clip those Box Tops too!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cookie Dough is Here!

Cookie Dough Pick Up Time!
All cookie dough orders will arrive on
Monday, November 8th!
Please pick up your order in the multipurpose room anytime from
2pm - 7pm.
*If you are unable to pick up your products during this time, please arrange for someone else to pick them up for you.
Unfortunatly, we do not have storage at Highland to store your frozen products.
Thank you for supporting Highland fundraisers!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Box Tops for Education

Did you know a box tops contest is going on now at Highland?
Keep collecting and turning in those box tops.
The winning class will celebrate by receiving a delicious popcorn party!
Need help collecting box tops?
Ask family members or neighbors without school children to save them for you.
Contest ends October 27th!
Also, have you been to boxtops4education.com?
Click on their BONUS Box tops opportunities area and get info on great promotions happening NOW!
For example: Purchase 5 Big G kid cereals
Aug. 1 - Oct. 31
(cinnamon toast crunch, lucky charms, cocoa puffs, trix, honey nut cheerios, kix, etc.)
Turn in your receipts for 20 BONUS Box Tops!
Most of the time you could earn bonus box tops on things you are already buying and the box tops website also has coupons for box tops products.
Who doesn't like to save money and help our school at the same time?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Family Bingo Night!

Join us for an evening of haunting at...

Highland's Family Bingo Night!

October 5th
Come dressed in your favorite costume
for a chance to win a prize!
No tricks please...but come for plenty of treats!!
Don't forget to bring a friend!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Highland Bingo Night

Come to Highland's Bingo Night!

This bingo night is going to be a "Costume Bingo Party!"
Come dressed in your favorite costume,
mingle with your friends and play some BINGO!

We hope to see EVERYONE there!

Highland Cookie Dough Sales

Highland's Cookie Dough Fundraiser is happening NOW!
Remember, all fundraising profits are used to buy supplies and technology
for the school and will benefit your child in their classroom.

Plus...who doesn't LOVE cookies?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome to Highland PTO’s new blog!

We hope this will help us to communicate better with all of you. Check out the links on the right side of the blog to help you quickly navigate through the information. You will also find an updated calendar there with important dates you can schedule in now like the Spring Carnival, PTO meetings and Bingo Nights. Thanks for taking the time to be involved, and we hope you will check back often. Together we will be able to make a difference in our children’s educations.


Highland PTO